Friday, August 21, 2009

15 months old!

Ok, so the main reason I haven't posted in so long is that right after Wyatt turned 1 year old, he was walking. Which led to running and falling and climbing and me getting even more exhausted! But, I really need to update so here's the latest with the super kid. We've had a busy summer doing things with Cim and the girls or Dad & JB or his newest buddy, Remington. We've gone to Sea World, Wild Animal Park, the Zoo, Trolley Barn Park and Santee Aquatic Center, Birch Aquarium, Quail Botanical Gardens and so much more... tons of fun!

He eats pretty much everything we eat. He likes to pick food up himself and he plays with the spoon/fork and mimics but doesn't do so hot on the actual transferring of food, yet. He loves cheese, pasta, bread crust, pretzels, chicken, melon, strawberries, green beans and peas... he'll pretty much try anything which is awesome. He drinks milk and water, not so much a fan of juice, unless it's Jamba Juice (smoothies), he loves those and milkshakes from In and Out! :) Breakfast is usually yogurt and a banana. Sometimes, eggs and french toast.

Like I said, he's climbing like crazy. We got him a step stool and now he gets himself on/off the couches and up/down the stairs with minimal assistance. He loves playing with the vacuum cleaner- his vroom vroom. It's the only thing with a cord we let him play with. We figure, when he gets just a little taller, that'll be his first chore :)

He's pretty much sleeping through the night. His 4 molars decided to cut at the same time so that sometimes throws us off schedule but for the most part: dinner by 6ish, bath by 7ish, asleep by 8. Up by 7. Ah. He takes one long nap in the afternoon and sometimes a little one in the morning. Let's hope it's pretty much like this for the next few years.

Healthwise, he's great. At his one year, they were worried he was underweight by 3 lbs and told me to fatten him up. At 15 months, he measured 31" tall and 19lbs11oz which they were ok with. He had a bit of a rash for the first time this week but it's all better- his first experiences with penicillin were uneventful other than a few really messy dipes. Yuck. Developmentally, he still hasn't for sure said his first word. I think he's said GO. And he makes sounds like SH for shoe, KA for milk, YA in agreement most of the time, NA for no... he still babbles along like he knows what he's saying so we'll just agree with him until we get it I guess. Heh. He does know the phrases for sure- like when I say it's time to go, get your shoes, he gets them and sits right by the door waiting for me to put them on. If I take too long to get over there, he brings mine to me and throws them at my feet. It's pretty cute.

He loves Elmo, still, more than ever. He gets cranky if he doesn't see a little bit of Sesame Street everyday. I've been trying to cut it with a little Yo! Gabba Gabba! because he dances more to that. It's not like he sits and stares, he usually plays with it on in the background.

That's about it for now... more later.

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