Sunday, March 21, 2010

Preggy + Toddler fun

Today was not a great day for me. Mood spikes (not swings) have had me in tears and arguing with T most of the day, damn hormones. Exhausted, I got a little reprieve from a nap this afternoon. T and I have been doing pretty well with keeping our mild frustrations away from Wyatt and keeping happy in front of him, he smiles so much and we just love his laughter, it's hard to be even a little aggravated at each other when he's charming us. We had hoped to go to the beach today but it was cooler than forecasted and a little crowded so we ended up just playing in the water table out back this afternoon. Wyatt still loves just playing with the water, he doesn't really care where it is. Looking forward to this summer in Omaha at the lake/pool. :)

In other news, Wyatt is really good at speaking! He's starting to take a little direction, sometimes repeating what we say if we ask him multiple times to repeat it. Example, 'Wyatt, say "dude"' then he says "Doooo" :). Tonight's frustration was since we moved a (n awesome Thomas the Train) bed into his room, we had to move the crib. In doing so, it's missing a screw and a little misaligned, nothing big, but still... I was dressing Wyatt in his pajamas and T in a frustrated tone trying to fix the crib, said 'F*ck it!' and Wyatt then repeated in the exact same cadence, tone and everything. So, here it goes folks. We are officially watching our language around the kid(s). We were doing pretty well but now he's in the repeat easily stage and we're totally screwed.

Cravings are out of control with this pregnancy but other than that and tired, doing pretty well. More later....

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