Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tallulah's 2...

Sensing a theme here. Wow, a yearly blog. Ok, ok... we'll get better about posting I promise. Ok, Dad? You are the only one who reads this thing anyways. ;)

Life got a little hectic after Tallulah's last birthday. We found out that we were moving back to Austin, TX by the end of the year. That happened quick. T's work relocated us and we were out here by Thanksgiving. This last year has kind of flown as he's been busting his butt in the ATX office and cleaning up after his predecessor. I've been trying to get my name into the photography world and get back to work. The kids are enjoying their Farm School (M-Th for W, T/Th for T) and my mom's enjoying seeing her grandkids every weekend.

And that's about it. Anyone who knows us knows it's been a busy year. I'll honestly try to make an effort and update this site with useful info about what's going on. New pics up on Flickr.


SCK said...

Other people read your blog too...

Celine 'n Co. said...

I'm reading it too :-)

Celine 'n Co. said...

I'm reading it too :-)

D.. said...

Are we going to get an update on the kids this fall? :) Dad.