Friday, February 6, 2009

monthly notes- almost 9 months already!

so since last entry, Wyatt continues to shuffle/kick/army crawl... he pulls with his arms and kicks with predominantly his right leg to get around, surprisingly, in a pretty straight line- maybe he pulls with his left arm more. not much has changed with this.

but just in the last week/few days: new tooth on the top left cutting through and two more top center are still little bumps in the gums. also, he's saying da-da now! (video coming, he stops doing it every time I get the camera on him) but yeah, ma, ga and da sounds now- exciting stuff!!!! he still loves his jumper but he's working on standing (assisted) with his truck toy and on the ottoperson... he doesn't really move much while standing/leaning but he does try to pull himself up over whatever he's holding onto. he's also pulled himself up onto his knees while playing with his truck- pretty cool!

he had his first in-and-out burger and hot dog this week (ground up and mixed into food... hehee). his palette is definitely expanding. he loves eating cheerios while in his jumper or on his play-rug: he's getting really good at picking them up and feeding himself- he waits until he's done with one before putting another in his mouth and he's really neat. he's eating breakfast, lunch and dinner in his highchair now with nursing sessions pretty much right before he goes down for nap or nighttime.

fave toys right now: great grandma's vtech phone still a hit from x-mas, push truck that makes siren sounds, gyro move & crawl ball, anything he can put his mouth on and books. oh, he got a new one today from grandpa don and grandma patty- too cute!!!

keep your eyes out for new pics and video...

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