Friday, February 20, 2009

even more...

Wyatt had his first cold- real cold, bronchitis. Luckily, he didn't have a fever the whole time. He's had a couple of cases of the sniffles but the last two weeks were filled with heavy congestion, a little wheezing and breathing on a nebulizer 3x/day, no fun. Todd was sick at the same time and I've been fighting it but we're all getting way better.

The top three teeth are definitely coming in- cut through the gums and he's kinda grinding them when he eats- sounds like an old rope bridge creaking, weird. Along with the sounds, he's sucking in his lips to chew on them more now... see goofy pics on flickr. So now, there are two middle lower teeth (since about 5 months) and now the top two center and the one on the left... might be time to consider weening soon since the cute little bugger laughs every time I say ouch! He is eating 3x a day, doing really well with a combination of jar and homemade food (mostly homemade, I do the batches into ice cubes- similar to these actually).

Fave activities right now are: playing with his truck, pulling all his books off the shelf (goodnight moon and that's not my dragon are faves), taking any two similar items and banging them together to make noise, playing with blankies/fabric- he waves them around and tries to make noise with them and blocks or toys... and socks- he's pulling his socks off and sucking on them if nothing else is available. He's totally pulling himself up now- to the point where he'll pull the books down, then kneel on them to get the leverage to stand and get up and reach on top of the shelves- all on his own! Dangerous place we've entered... I know. He's already had a couple of bonks where he just falls over but nothing major, yet.

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