Sunday, March 8, 2009

Almost 10 months old...

And full of mischief. Wyatt can pull his socks off, bang things together, ramble along like he's telling a story, and pull himself up to scootch around the furniture! He particularly likes pulling up on the dog, Fender is pretty patient and understanding of this phase I think. His crawling is better each day, he's more up on his knees and not so much dragging anymore. He's definitely teething more- he's had the two on the bottom since about 5 months but now he has 4 up top, they're about halfway out now. He's had the sniffles (just runny nose and drooling mostly) this weekend pretty bad.

We're looking forward to a busy next few weeks. We're going to be driving out to Phoenix to visit some friends I haven't seen in a few years and who haven't met Wyatt yet. A friend of Todd's is coming back with us to experience SoCal Suiter style for a week(?) or so. Then Todd's mom and step-dad and her best friend Marge and her hubby are coming out for a little over a week. We're totally looking forward to all the company! :)

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