Thursday, April 16, 2009

Keeping busy

Whew! There's no time to just sit around when you have an 11 month old and friends/family who love to do stuff! We've been to the Wild Animal Park (rode the carousel for the first time) and the Zoo again this week.... The park (swinging & sliding for the first time!) and the Chicken Pie Restaurant today. Going to PB tomorrow for breakfast at The Broken Yolk with Andrea, then Ikea and some authentic Texas BBQ with Cim in the afternoon. JB's first soccer match is Saturday! Yowzers! I gotta take a break on Sunday.

Wyatt loves going out and flirts with all the girls, and he puts off his nap as long as possible so he doesn't miss anything. He's officially broken his mobile- the turny part broke a week ago but he pulled it into the crib and broke the arm thing today, so now it's just a music box attached to his crib. Whatever, he knows how to make it play the different sounds and he likes it so... until that breaks. :)

Need to go through his toys and clothes and get ready for the garage sale we're having on the 2nd. We'll be taking the bulk of the items over to Gwen's house on the 25th so I want to get this done soon. The 26th is Art Walk down in Little Italy and I'd love to take Wyatt to that so I hope we're not too pooped from prepping for the big sale...

new pics up and more to come soon...

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