Sunday, May 17, 2009

1 year old!

These last couple of weeks have definitely put the exclamation mark on the end of a great year. We had a great little birthday party at Lake Miramar with friends and family. I made carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and Todd grilled some dogs and we had a blast celebrating. Wyatt's one year checkup was this week and he's 29 inches tall and weighs 18.5 lbs. The doc said she's actually a little concerned about his weight (despite the fact that T and I are both lil') so I'm supposed to feed him butter and other fatty things. A kid who's allowed extra ice cream, yay! :)

Wyatt started walking this week and is off and running (and falling). He crawls up the stairs when he's tired and ready to go to his room- hilarious! He kicks a full sized soccer ball, dribble style, while he's moving from one area to the other. He pushes a toy truck while standing, all around the downstairs... I think this will be moving outside when he's a little more stable and less wobbly. He still loves his books more than any toy- he'll pull them all down (focusing on one or two) and read to himself (baba ga hehe ga ba) usually forwards then upside down, he really is fun to watch play.

We're truly blessed to have such a healthy, happy baby boy. I can't love him enough.


Cimbria Peterson said...

Awww, so sweet! We love him too.

W. Suiter said...

And he LOVES giving his Aunt Cimbie big hugs!!! :)