Tuesday, June 15, 2010

24 weeks

And baby girl is doing well. Doc says growing well and weight's good so far. Heartbeat around 150, good. She's been kicking me like crazy and doing piledrivers whenever she can. I've been really having to watch my sodium intake b/c my salt cravings are killer. Other than that, doing well and getting big.

Wyatt's doing really well lately. I think he's going through a growth spurt too. He's fitting 2T stuff and his energy level is just crazy! He's speaking in two or three word sentences and is starting to throw more fits and push limits. It's kind of funny and entertaining to watch how much he learns so quickly. He loves animals and trucks and parts of the body and really is a sponge. His movie choices are growing as well; not just Cars, Nemo, Monsters. He's into Toy Story, Incredibles, Wall-E and more open to everything else. He says the names of his friends daily, like asking if we're going to see them. 'Kenzie? Cami? Remmie?'

We've been having earthquakes like crazy lately. There was one on Easter Sunday and again last night there were a couple of big ones. I'm kinda of looking forward to living in the midwest where they at least give you a warning something's coming for ya.

Looking froward to visiting Omaha and the family in a couple of weeks! My neice and nephew are in country and are looking forward to seeing Wyatt. :)

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