Monday, July 26, 2010

July flew by!!!

We went out to Omaha over the 4th and that was great! It wasn't the usual 110 degrees, it was actually bearable. Wyatt had a blast with his cousins, aunt/uncle, grandma and grandpas and almost a month later still (daily) lists off Tatie-Jeff-Jeremy-Chloe!!! He loves the toys he got from everyone out there, the bubble blaster from Dee, the teddy bear from Grandma, the giraffe from Chloe...

We're just starting to get back to a 'normal' schedule back in San Diego now and then I realize we only have about 8 weeks before baby girl gets here! Had an appointment last week. She's doing ok, my blood pressure is good (and consistent 110/70 the last few times). I do have a vulvar vericosity which is no fun but not amazingly painful, yet. It should go away after birth so that's bonus. Also, they're going to run the growth check ultrasound next week to make sure she's growing as much as she should be (I'm not nearly as huge as I was with Wyatt so they want to make sure).

Other than that, just keeping busy and trying to pick up and do little projects around the house getting ready for the new arrival. :)

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