Sunday, August 8, 2010

August - 32 weeks preg. + 27 months old

We're officially 8 months pregnant with baby girl! We had a growth sonogram this week since I'm measuring a little small and everything is fine- she's about 4.5lbs so far and my blood pressure has been consistently 110/70 the last 3 visits. I have low grade anemia and am taking iron pills (ouch) for that but other than that, we're doing alright. She is kicking my belly (and cervix) more than regularly so she's definitely fine.

Wyatt is definitely pushing buttons and limits lately. He's starting to throw and hit and we've gone to no tv and pulling toys away as punishment since time out wasn't doing it. I hear this is just something we have to do and it gets a little easier so wish us luck! :)

Going to pack the bag and make sure the crib and swing are ready to be put up soon. Starting to go through Wyatt's clothes and make room for her stuff. I give it 6 weeks before she decides to show up but you never know...