Friday, August 20, 2010

34 week checkup and oh, so emotional!

Ok, I'm feeling it now. On all fronts. I can't take Wyatt to the zoo or beach or sea world or whatever for the day anymore... I'm 8.5 months pregnant and have no energy or patience. (plus it's been in the 90's this week, ick)

Today's checkup went well enough. 122/70 was my bp and baby's measuring fine. They even triple checked the amount of fluid with another ultrasound and she says 'yes, she's small but she's fine!' so good news. :)

The make me smile and cry thing of the day is that Wyatt says 'YES' so very clearly and perfectly, it just makes me proud and happy... silly but true. Sure, he says NO! but he's phasing out of 'yeah' with 'yes' with a crystal clear 'S' on the end. So pleasant.

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