Friday, September 10, 2010

38 weeks

Everything is looking good coming up on the 38 week mark. Had our 37 week check up today and my bp is 112/68 and baby girl is doing well... head down but not dropped. I'm 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced, so all that means is the process is on track but can really happen at any time between now and 41 weeks... could be tomorrow or October (I hope not that long!).

Wyatt is doing pretty good. We all just got over a summer cold and so we've been spending a lot of time here at home. That also means, he's been using the potty! GPD Warning: Gross Potty Details ahead! I don't expect him to keep it up but it has been nice on the diaper budget to have him in big boy pants while at home. He loves running to the potty and turning on the light and 'watching potty candy' with his elbows held while I waddle into the restroom to help him pull trow and sit to pee on his potty. He gets one m+m for peeing in the potty and I've told him if he poops, he gets a lollipop! Most of the time, he takes the initiative but sometimes we ask if he needs to go, he's caught himself once peeing on the rug, stopped, and waddled/ran to the toilet to finish!

I'm actually looking forward to all the girliness coming into our lives, we have pink and purple blankets with butterflies... Lady bugs are adorable! And yes, I actually kinda like those hideous hair bows I've always laughed at. More to come....

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